Friday, September 23, 2011

Pink up the good work!

My sad sad knees.
Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome...I.Hate.You. At least I know I am not doing anything wrong and i'm not "TO FAT TO RUN" as I have been telling myself for the past few days. It is also called Runners Knee. I have done some research and found out that Couch 2 5k people have been having the same issue around the same week.(week 2-3) So I have to take some time off, ice my lower knee every few hours, and take some ibuprofen. This was quite a blow to me. I have so much forward momentum in my running. I look forward to it, and don't want to quit.(yet.)
My pink bike Lulu
 My husband is also proud of the runs I have been completing so last week I showed y'all the super awesome pink running shoes he bought me, well this week after I finished week 2.. He bought me a PINK BIKE! I love it. Its my "Pink up the good work" gift. So in my time off running I can ride my bike, I am hoping I only need a week off, and the bike riding doesn't hurt my knee at all, so a little silver lining. All the positive feedback and cheering is really helping me with my running so thank you ALL I appreciate everyone of you!
Fall leaves/Fall love
   Up here in the Pacific Northwest it is that time of year, the salmon are making there long journey up the river to spawn, the leaves are turning there beautiful colors, and the mornings are getting brisk. I went out to Tumwater falls Park about a mile from my house to see the Salmon, it was amazing! Tumwater Falls Park has beautfull waterfalls year round, its small so I can take the kids and not be afraid they will run off, and this time of year the AMAZING salmon run! They were jumping UP huge waterfalls. I am not to proud to say that one one jumped a foot in front of my face, up to eye level..I screamed like a little girl. My son said "its just a fish mom.." Yeah just a fish that can jump over 5 feet high and swim up a river I get queasy just thinking about swimming in..I think this but I tell my son..ahh your right just a fish.
Salmon at Tumwater Falls Park (Can't take credit for the photo)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Burgers, and Doughnuts, and Whales OH MY!

Little Big Burger. YUM!
Hello Friends!! It has been a great/LONG weekend! I had so much fun in my attempt to fit the entire Pacific Northwest experience into one weekend! I also finished Week 2 of Couch to 5K!! Not without difficulty, but I did finish it!. So like I said GREAT and LONG were my weekend. My run's were well..they.were.rough. My bloody heels had no time to heal and were KILLING me, so I was running on my toes because of this. The toe running caused shin splints and calf cramps. I ran (very slowly) though it. I feel like I didn't get the the full work out I should have though. I think I am going  to repeat this week just to feel like I am ready for week 3. I feel like I am failing and my body is a trader but, I have to remember if I have patients and stick with it, it will work. Right? RIGHT?! Its the end result of running a 5k I wan't not the time line I am after. My weekend was amazing! My sweet friend Ashley came up with her little bun in the oven/baby bump, Aviana. Friday we went to Portland we shopped, ate A LOT!! If your ever in Portland eat at Little Big Burger and get the truffle fries..mmm..
Driving in to Vancouver B.C.
Voodoo Doughnuts!
 We shopped in the Pearl District, got lost in Powell's Books store, and waited in line for some oh so yummy and sugary doughnuts at Voodoo Doughnuts. Bacon Maple Bar. I need say no more.   The next day we got up early went downtown Seattle, to the flying fish market in  Pikes Place, got some coffee at the first Starbucks, watched the ferrys come in and then headed up to Canada. We went to the aquarium in Vancouver, did a little shopping and drving around. Ate some AMAZING sea food  at The boat house, and slept in our "heavenly beds" at The Westin..

Our Whale watching boat!

The next day it was up-and-at-um' early and we went on a 8 hour whale watching trip. We didn't see any Orca's be we did see lots of other marine life. Some whales, dolphins, Seals, Sea was great. We ended the weekend with a table full of sea food at the Crab Pot on the piers in Seattle. My weekend was full of great company, great experiences and GREAT FOOD!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

It doesn’t have to be pretty is just has to be done..RUN RUN!

Why Hello friend! I am going to be blunt about my first day of week two with the Couch to 5K program. It sucked, I got a side stitch for the first time, (Is that what you call it when your side hurts?) it was one of the hottest days of the year, AND I had a SUPER long/fun day. It was not impossible. It was doable and I always feel better about myself when I push though, so I am glad I did. I did have a few obstacles in my way this run but I managed to get around them all, I was up early (5am) so some kid-o's could be dropped off, then I was out the door early for a day of antiquing. It was quite a successful trip if I say so myself. I found the cutest owl lamp, I love owls..and Peacocks...and penguins..I think I love birds? Great price, Great shape, Great find! I also bought a red metal bread box, some Star Wars action figures still in the boxes for Christmas, some beautiful red whine glasses, and a few books. Then the whole family went to dinner with my in-laws. We had a few glasses of whine, some yummy carbs, and great conversation, and got home at 9pm. I wanted to go to bed but I KNEW if I skipped a run you would catch me. So I put the boy to bed and put on my new awesome pink running shoes, and went for a night run. So everyone in the world knows you have to break shoes in before you wear them. Right? Why do I never ever ever remember to do this? My poor feet are cover in scars from forgetting such things. Well 2 miles later when I got home, I threw my bloody socks away and FELT GREAT! Nothing two smiling Shrek band-aid's can't fix!
To all my friends who are also trying to get back/start running I have gotten your letter, comments, and texts. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK! If this fat girl can run for a week, y’all can do ANYTHING! Just remember when your running..Amanda did this, and that girl runs like a Moose (or something that is not an elegant runner) so I know I can. I talk to myself when I am running you know make lists of things that need to be done, encourage myself to keep going, and yesterday I kept saying “It doesn’t have to be pretty is just has to be done.”  It was not pretty, but it was DONE! Big WOOT to me!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Extra! Extra! Fat girls can run for at least a week!!

Hola' Friends!
Well I did it! I completed the first week of Couch 2 5K! When I was on my final run of this week about half way through I realized “Holy Crap I’m running and not counting the seconds in my head till I stop!” I really looked crazy running around the neighborhood with a big ol' grin on my face. Week one in the one to Week 2..Dun Dun DUNNN... I am nervous, but excited at the progress I have made. To commemorate my first week running my husband bought me some AMAZING running shoes. They are the most expensive pair of shoes I have ever owned. I love them. They are light weight, the soles of me feet aren’t screaming at me, and the best part..they are pink.

That being said, I have had an overwhelming response to my Blog, so many people encourging me, and running along side me with Couch25K. Keep the e-mails, comments, and blog shares coming! I love to keep up with you as I hope you like keeping up with me! This week has so many exciting things going on! I am glad I have my runs to distract me. Sunday I went antiquing and found some awesome stuff. Every time I go antiquing I start reminiscing about my grandma. She has some really cool things that I never took time to appreciate as a kid. I think one day soon I should tell y’all all about my grandma. She really is one of the most interesting, creative people I know, we made butter one summer with a churn, and hand churned ice cream was a staple by her pool in the summer. She also says very old fashioned things that I want to start writing down. Like “That boy eats and eats like he has hollow legs!” Yes, I think I will tell y'all about my grandma one day.
 If you haven’t noticed I chase rabbits a lot. I distract myself with other story’s in the middle of another story...well WELCOME TO MY WORLD! I talk exactly as I am typing to you now. My poor poor friends and family. It must be hard to keep up with my train of though. Any who back to my exciting week. Thursday my friend who was sitting on my Kindergarten teachers lap crying with me (see previous blog) Ashley is coming up to Washington for a visit! She live in Colorado now and is expecting so this is more then likely the last time to hang out before the baby is born. We are going to Portland for a day trip, then 2 hours up to Canada staying at an awesome hotel, then WHALE WATCHING! I have lived in Washington for 3 and a half years and never really played tourist. Now I get to play tourist with my oldest friend! ::happy dance, happy dance:: Well once again thank you all for reading, I really appreciate every single one of you. I love all your feedback and encouragement. Here is to WEEK 2 of running!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

But my mommy can't bake!

Hello again friends! This is my 3rd official post. That is two more then I thought would EVER happen. Go me! I have had such a busy/awesome week. I had my second (not as eventful as the first) run with Couch 2 5k, My son started kindergarten...::Pause, inhale,try not to tear::, been a baby hat crocheting fool, and watched my usual kid-o's. Where to start. Oh well My run was great! I tried to take Tayler with me. He is 5 and seriously has a never ending supply of energy but we go to run and he is hot/tired/shoes hurt/has to pee/hungry. We, with much coaxing, went up the road a mile to his NEW school and he played on the play ground (With none of the the previously stated problems mind you) and I ran around the block a few times. Thursday was his very first day of Kindergarten, I think me and daddy had more of an issue then he did. He loved it, I was having flash back all night of my first day, why I remember it so well I have no clue(PTSD??). My mom dropped me off in Mrs. Seale's class and I was hysterical, I ended up on her lap with one of my now life long friends. (Shout out: Hey Ash!) My mom told me today (Shout out: HEY MOM!) that Mrs. Seale said “Its ok Amanda your mom can bake cookies anytime and bring them to class.” To witch my hysterics became worse “But my mommy doesn’t bake!!” If you were wondering I bake..a lot. I did not inherit the if-I-take-it-out-of-a-box-and-cook-it-its-homemade-gene from my mother. I take after my talented grandmother. I will never be as crafty or as wonderful a baker as her, but I love to try! Back to my story Tay had no problem with me leaving him in the care of strangers, in a huge 3 story school. So daddy and I hugged him in his new school clothes and got a smile and a roll of the eyes. I may or may not have been back to pick him up QUITE early, don't worry I didn’t go to his room till it was time to be picked up!

 Now if you don't know..I LOVE me some babies. My husband and I were told we couldn’t have kids, but 2 years after we were married..SUPRISE! You know how people say everything happens for a reason? Well I believe that we “Cant have kids..just kid” for a reason. I would have 15 if I could. That is for a different day, different blog. Needless to say I can't get enough of my friends kids. I have 3 of my very closest friends expecting right now..they are spaced out perfectly. By perfectly I mean for craft making purposes. I have whipped out 3 cute hats in one day, and started 2 baby quilts. This is a hard task seeing as none of them know the sex of the babies..well one COULD but she wants it to be a surprise..psh..she wouldn’t even let the DR tell ME..can you believe that girl. I NEED TO KNOW!!! I guess November is not to to far from now. 

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Stop light meetings and transgender directions!

I know, I know I'm back so soon..well don't get use to it! I just wanted to let y'all know (yes Y'ALL remember I am from Texas) about my eventful first run.

 My first run was not as horrible as I though it would be! I mean I jiggled in places I didn't want to jiggle, but it was 75 degrees, I was in mostly shade, I had Johnny Cash, Black Eyed Peas and Beyonce on my iPod and I just went. After the first 10 minutes I laughed to myself at what people would think if they heard the strange mix of music I had flowing in to my ears. There are many reasons I love Olympia, today one of them was pointed out to me on my short 30 walk/run. I did that thing that I think people are dumb for doing...I was waiting for the little man to light up on the crosswalk so I could cross traffic and I was ::GASP:: jogging in place. Really I always thought “Why in the hell is she running in place?! She is at a light..TAKE A BREAK LADY!” Me being on a stepped program to build up my running endurance had to run the full amount of time for my first workout. (I refuse to cheat..YET) While I am waiting for my turn to cross the road a biker told me to “keep up the great work” Thanks guy with wheels!! A nice transgender lady in her car waiting for the same light to turn said “Hey Hun if you go up a block and go left there is a great flat area to run on such a beautiful day” I thanked her wile I ran off in the direction she specified (she was right, no more hills!) I feel like everyone is getting out and moving in this town. I LOVE IT! I got home after my run and my thoughtful husband and just finished some great looking burgers...he has the metabolism of an Olympic swimmer and never thinks about such things..I simply said “Thanks babe” and had a grilled chicken breast. (I don't think he noticed)

Speaking of the thoughtful and kind people...My son's bike was stolen last week from our house. I know this is kinda of a normal occurrence in a kids life. I had my bike stolen when I was in kindergarten and Sean (my husband) said he was about the same age. I was quite upset at this though. He had all his DS games stolen when we were in Texas a few weeks back, so he now thinks everyone that he doesn't know is a “bad guy.” I told him there are no bad people just people who make bad choices . All he wants to know is why they make bad choices with HIS things. In the end it is JUST STUFF, but I am not ready for him to know how mean and cruel people can be. He starts Kindergarten in 3 days and he will find out soon enough. So I wrote a letter and posted it on it was titled Dear person who stole my son's bike. Needless to say I had a very nice family offer us a bike for Tayler. NOT only that but a friend of our gave Tayler their son's old bike. So when Tayler got the bike I made sure he knew that not everyone is “bad” People make good choices sometime too. I told him when he outgrows this bike we will be giving it to a little boy or girl who had theirs taken too. He smiled and told me I had a smart brain..I think that’s a good thing from my 5 year old?

Monday, September 5, 2011

Fat girl meets Mt Rose.

I am not a Blogger or a writer. My spelling and grammatical errors could kill an English major on site. I do love to read blogs though, and love to get inspired by them. So here is my hand at letting someone in to my world. A bit about myself, I love kids..LOVE them..if you have a baby and know me I have probably at one point or another stolen your child from you. I like to craft. Sew, Crochet, Knit, you name it. Time is my only enemy. I never have enough to do big crafty things. I hate failing so sometimes I talk myself out of starting something so I won't have to deal with the pressure of my immanent failure. I was born and raised in south Texas, I am as proud as the next Texan. (I have the tattoo to prove it) but we moved up to Washington state 3 years ago and have been IN LOVE with it from day one. I love being outside here, in Texas..not so much. It was hot and humid. I have to be outside AT LEAST 10 min a day every day. I love the weather up here..LOVE it!

 I recently went on a "hike" with my husband and son, it was only a 6 mile hike. I think pshh..6 miles I walk that around downtown Olympia everyother day with the kids. Well this 6 miles is..well..up. We had a HARD time (by we I mean ME), it was 80 degrees out and being a native Texan 80 is winter weather. Let me be the first to tell you, if you want to "Hike" in 80 degrees DON'T! It.Was.Hot. 60-70 would be great. You may be wondering why I say "hike" in quotations...well our "hike" was a "Climb" we climbed, all be it a small mountain, but we climbed Mt Rose, the first summit I have ever walked to. It was great getting to the top, feeling accomplished, the ONLY thing that kept me going was my fear of failing. I wanted to quit halfway up. I was hot, running low on water, my shoes were to tight, and I though I was going to see a mountain lion. But I knew I would not sleep for a week if I put my tail between my legs and crawled down. So I went on up that stupid mountain, cussing in my head the entire way, but all in all I CLIMBED A FREAKING MOUNTAIN! Woot! All that being husband had NO problem with our "hike" he even put my 48 lb 5 year old on his shoulders WITH his frame bag and hiking/camping supplies. Needless to say we got back to our camping site I told him..I love you, but find someone else to climb mountains with..that sucked.

 Today I got a bee in my bonnet and decided I want to go for a run, I know how I run...I don't. I started looking in to ways to start a running regimen. I found Couch to 5k..Sounds like me! I spend most of my days on the floor with kids, or walking around downtown between bakery's, coffee shops, and local kitch stores. So I read some reviews, sounds hard but doable. In my attempt to recreate my Mt Rose-push-though-so-you-don't-fail event I will hopefully publicly try the Couch to 5K program, and in a few months be..well for lack of a better word a runner. We shall see...we.shall.see...