Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Burgers, and Doughnuts, and Whales OH MY!

Little Big Burger. YUM!
Hello Friends!! It has been a great/LONG weekend! I had so much fun in my attempt to fit the entire Pacific Northwest experience into one weekend! I also finished Week 2 of Couch to 5K!! Not without difficulty, but I did finish it!. So like I said GREAT and LONG were my weekend. My run's were well..they.were.rough. My bloody heels had no time to heal and were KILLING me, so I was running on my toes because of this. The toe running caused shin splints and calf cramps. I ran (very slowly) though it. I feel like I didn't get the the full work out I should have though. I think I am going  to repeat this week just to feel like I am ready for week 3. I feel like I am failing and my body is a trader but, I have to remember if I have patients and stick with it, it will work. Right? RIGHT?! Its the end result of running a 5k I wan't not the time line I am after. My weekend was amazing! My sweet friend Ashley came up with her little bun in the oven/baby bump, Aviana. Friday we went to Portland we shopped, ate A LOT!! If your ever in Portland eat at Little Big Burger and get the truffle fries..mmm..
Driving in to Vancouver B.C.
Voodoo Doughnuts!
 We shopped in the Pearl District, got lost in Powell's Books store, and waited in line for some oh so yummy and sugary doughnuts at Voodoo Doughnuts. Bacon Maple Bar. I need say no more.   The next day we got up early went downtown Seattle, to the flying fish market in  Pikes Place, got some coffee at the first Starbucks, watched the ferrys come in and then headed up to Canada. We went to the aquarium in Vancouver, did a little shopping and drving around. Ate some AMAZING sea food  at The boat house, and slept in our "heavenly beds" at The Westin..

Our Whale watching boat!

The next day it was up-and-at-um' early and we went on a 8 hour whale watching trip. We didn't see any Orca's be we did see lots of other marine life. Some whales, dolphins, Seals, Sea was great. We ended the weekend with a table full of sea food at the Crab Pot on the piers in Seattle. My weekend was full of great company, great experiences and GREAT FOOD!

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